<!-- TITLE: hub cube -->
<!-- SUBTITLE: Brique Internet, Cube, InternetBrik, Da Kub, ... -->
![Logo](/uploads/logo.png "Logo"){.pagelogo}
# English
:information_source: This is **the hub cube dedicated page**, to have a look at all other pages about this hub, see `hub-cube` in our [documentation](all).
:calendar: Have a look at our [agenda](agenda) for meetings and events.
You wish to exlpore the pleasures of the self hosting based on some fair priced **libre hardware**?
Having your own micro server at home is feasible (feasible... not *magically feasible* :P ).
Enroll in a delicious learning curve of the free and open source world and [order your own cube](https://admin.neutrinet.be/) (page in french, if you need help please [contact](contact) us).
:books: There are also useful resources on the original project page [here](https://wiki.labriqueinter.net/doku.php).
## Group orders
* Follow orders placed on our [back office](https://admin.neutrinet.be/admin)
* Send emails using our [ticketing / support](https://support.neutrinet.be) tool.
* Actually make the order on [Olimex](https://www.olimex.com/) and other dealer for the microSDs
* Receive the order
## Cube installation
* Generate the VPN certificates for everyone ([python script](https://github.com/Neutrinet/scripts/tree/master/vpn) or [vpn/order], both can be touchy)
* Make the installation, this include quite a lot of discussion and explanations while the installation part should be working out of the box
* Meet the member
* Debug if needed
## Communication
* Inform people that their order are here and how they can get it
* Send reminders regarding this
## Support
* answer to emails
* communicate with yunohost dev team and report bugs on dev.yunohost.org if needed
* be there during the 3rd sunday of the month at 123 rue Royale for support
* share knowledge of how you've fixed stuff
## join the hub cube
Take care of the research, set-up, maintenance and support of the [internet cube](https://internetcu.be/) for the Neutrinet members.
It includes the orders follow-up (in collaboration with the [hub admin](administration)) and maybe a little bit of [communication](communication).
* Key player(s) : tierce
* Required skills : patience, resourcefulness and desire to discover [Yunohost](https://yunohost.org) and the [internet cube](https://internetcu.be/)
* Useful knowledge: GNU/Linux administration (terminal), bug reporting, searching forums, python/django.
## Future things that can be done
* more user documentation, like finishing the flyer done by l3ibi
* integrate hypercube in cube.neutrinet.be to make installation way easier
* currently our ordering situation is bad and this create huge delay which sucks
* having a stock or ready hardware
* document more the workflow and all the things to do
* more frequent builds of the image (automated if possible)
* script to automatically change all passwords
* work on neutrinet help center to reduce support cost and empower users
* produce more documentation and flyer and stuff for new members
## Ressources and tools
* cube.neutrinet.be https://github.com/labriqueinternet
* https://github.com/labriqueinternet/configuration_scripts/blob/master/neutrinet.sh
* https://github.com/Neutrinet/fritedombox_tools
* contact@neutrinet.be cube@neutrinet.be support.neutrinet.be support@neutrinet.be
* https://github.com/Neutrinet/cubeorderinginterface/
* irc.freenode.net#neutrinet irc.geeknode.net#labriqueinter.net
* dev.yunohost.org
# Français
:information_source: Ceci est la **page dédiée du hub cube**, pour voir **les autres pages de ce hub**, merci de visiter la section `hub-cube` dans notre [documentation](all).
:calendar: Jetez un coup d'œil à notre [agenda](agenda) pour les rencontres et autre évènements.
Envie d'exlporer les joies de l'auto-hébergement sur du **matériel libre** et peu coûteux ?
Avoir son propre mini serveur chez soi c'est possible (possible... pas *magiquement faisable* :P ).
Engagez-vous dans une délicieuse courbe d'apprentissage du monde libre en [commandant une brique](https://admin.neutrinet.be/).
:books: Vous pouvez en savoir plus sur le projet d'origine sur le wiki de [la brique Inter.net](https://wiki.labriqueinter.net/doku.php).
## rejoindre le hub cube
Prendre en charge la recherche, la mise en route et le maintien de [labriqueinter.net](http://labriqueinter.net/) pour les membres de
Neutrinet. Cela inclu le suivi des commandes (avec le hub-admin), la communication (avec le hub-communication) et le support.
* Personne de contact : tierce
* Compétences requises : patience, débrouillardise et envie de découvrir [Yunohost](https://yunohost.org) et [labriqueinter.net](http://labriqueinter.net/)
* Connaissances utiles : notions d'administration de GNU/Linux (terminal), remonter des bugs, chercher sur des forums, python/django.
# Nederlands
Te doen